Monday 17 March 2014

Bed rest

Well, not exactly bed rest, but definitely rest is needed.  That's what the doctor order.  The animal doctor, that is.  The vet.

We - the dog and I - took our usual, almost habitual walk in the park after breakfast this morning, another glorious, sunny morning, quite the opposite from what Holly-the-weather predicted yesterday evening.  As we were approaching the top of the park, where the lead is put on for the walk back along the streets, Fern spotted a lady we know and the result was a mad minute in which she (the dog, not the lady) rushed to and fro.  She ended up sitting holding up one paw and looking very sorry for herself, after which she limped over to Dee (the lady) for Dee to check that she had no thorns in her paw.  Nothing immediately obvious, so we walked home very slowly, Fern (the dog) limping all the way.

As luck would have it, I already had an appointment to take Fern to the vet this morning for her annual booster jabs so there was an opportunity for the leg to be examined by a professional.  The vet concluded that Fern had sprained the wrist joint and prescribed rest, rest for at least a week.  Short walks only, no matter how much better she seems.

That is a bit of a blow, given that the weather is forecast to be reasonable all week, but it does mean that I will have more time to spend in the garden.  More energy, too.

Talking of gardening, I cut the grass yesterday.  First time this year.


This green carpet in Stanmer Great Wood is made up of bluebells leaves.  It's comforting to know that we should be back in the woods by the time the carpet changes colour.

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