Monday 30 December 2013

Let them eat cake

That's what I shall be doing.  The Christmas pudding has been eaten, the mince pies and brandy butter are but a memory, what was left of the turkey is now in a pie with the remains of the gammon joint from the previous weekend but there is still half of the Christmas cake left.  As I am the only one in the house who eats the rich fruit cake, that's mine, all mine!

Things should be getting back to what passes for normal today, with emphasis on the "should".  I want to speak to a chap from the Financial Conduct Authority who declined to accept the changes in the rules of the Lions Housing Society, then the solicitor who deemed acceptable one of the changes which I have been told is not allowed under the law.  But will either of them be back at the desk today?  Well, I suppose there's only one way to find out.  And just as soon as I have finished with this post I shall pick up the phone.

I have been getting a little bored hearing much the same weather forecast day after day: rain, heavy at times, with strong winds, especially along the coast.  Granted, there have been a few bright spells, some of them even lasting for half a day, but this morning it was back to the good old.  Good old, huh!  Wet and very windy.  It did make that coffee after I got home from walking the dog taste good, but I could have done without nearly an hour out in this weather.  Mind you, I did fell better for it.  I did.  Yes, I did.  Perhaps if I say it often enough I will start to believe it!

Yesterday afternoon we had one of those bright half-days.  I decided on a walk in Stanmer Park in the hope that I could avoid much of the mud and squelch that most paths have become.  It seemed as though half the folk in the city had the same idea as there were very few parking places left when I arrived at about half past one.  Quite where all the people had disappeared to I didn't discover but there seemed to be fewer people than there should have been for all those cars.  Here's a view of Stanmer House and church - and no people!

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