Thursday 12 May 2011

Great excitement!

I went down into town yesterday afternoon. Yes, really! That was the first time I had been into the centre of Brighton since the Lions held their fun day in the Royal Pavilion Gardens at the end of June last year and the first time I had been into the Churchill Square shopping centre for, oh, possibly two years or more. The objective yesterday was to buy a globe. My granddaughter will soon be celebrating her fourth birthday and she has asked for a globe. For some unknown reason she has become fixated on Africa and she wants a globe so that she can see where it is. I could have ordered one online but was dubious about it arriving before we leave for our next trip to France. The big day is while we are away so we need to have the present wrapped and ready before we go. Another thing the little madam is fixated on is the colour pink. If asked what flavour ice cream she wants, her answer is, 'Pink'. So imagine my delight when I discovered a pink globe! I have never before seen the seas and oceans depicted in pink, but they are on this globe. The Old Bat expressed mild doubts when she saw what I had bought, hoping the different colour wouldn't confuse the GD. I'm confident she is bright enough for it not to matter.

And I killed two birds with one stone. While I was in town I took the opportunity to buy some new clothes.

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