Tuesday 11 January 2011


No, not yet, but spring will come and already there are signs that it is on the way. Yesterday in the park I noticed that the snowdrops are forcing their way up through the soggy dead leaves in the wood. They are nowhere near blooming- indeed, nowhere near being in bud even - but it is encouraging to see them nonetheless. I have also noticed more bird song. The robins are certainly tuning up and I caught a brief snatch of a blackbird's song this morning. Far be it for me to wish my life away, but I will be glad to see the back of this winter. The days are a little warmer now than they were a week or two back and the overnight rain has cleared as the weather girl promised, but she did say that the rest of this week will be wet and rainy so we must just make the most of today.

Yesterday I started working on my latest challenge - the one I mentioned on Sunday. Unfortunately, my first thoughts didn't work and I have the feeling that the end result will be somewhat less elegant than I had hoped. It did occur to me that I might be wasting my time. If the club does agree to put on this motorcycle run, will any participants register on-line anyway? Time alone will tell, but I do think it a good idea to give people as much choice as possible when it comes to sending money to the Lions Club.


(not necessarily your) Uncle Skip said...

Anderson Lions, along with Enterprise Lions, co-sponsor a bike ride each spring. Enterprise handles the registrations (except for the day of the event) through an online outfit. They swear by it.

Brighton Pensioner said...

My intention is to use Bravenet to collect data on a form and forward it by email and PayPal to collect money. Bravenet is free (although subject to advertising) and PayPal charges very little. We already use PP for online sales of fireworks tickets.