Sunday 11 September 2016

Cause of wonder

That's me I'm talking about! I'm a cause of wonder. At least, I am to me. And i don't mean 'wonder' in the sense of awe, I mean 'wonder' as a synonym for puzzlement. Yes, I puzzle myself.

I look at my desk - well, I can't actually look at my desk because there is so much on it. There is a tangle of leads, some connecting one machine to another, some in use to recharge machines, some just sprawling idly across the desk - and I must admit that I have no idea what some of them are for. As well as the leads, there is a stand-along hard drive, a laptop (which is used only for producing documents using Wordperfect as I can't install my very old version on anything else and which I use for producing the Lions Club's charter night menus - it's a long story...), no fewer than three tablets and three credit card readers that are to be used and another that is US and waiting to be sent back to Paypal, two printers (only one of which I ever use but the other can be used for scanning 35mm slides), a pile of CDs, various badges, photographs, paperwork that might need to be filed sometime but for now needs to be kept handy, a camera and mini-tripod, several memory sticks, a couple of dead batteries, three ballpoint pens, a rubber stamp, a dead mouse (computers for the use of), an old £1 note, bent paper clips, an empty jam jar (don't ask!) - the list goes on.

What puzzles me is just why I insist on working in such a state of confusion. I'm not like this in other areas of my life. I am ultra-pernickety when it comes to putting cutlery in the drawer: spoons must be just so, all nestled and the same way up. Tea towels must hang with an equal amount of cloth on either side of the rail, bath- and hand-towels must be folded in a specific way before being placed in the exact spot in the airing cupboard - and so on and so forth. I just wish I could bring the same sort of order to my desk!


The Broad said...

Perhaps it is a good thing that there is at least one aspect of your life that is completely out of your control!

The word 'wonder' has come to my attention lately in my study of French -- always ongoing when I am in France. The French 'se demander' translates as 'asking onself'...

Brighton Pensioner said...

Those French refelexive verbs always cause me to 'me demander'!

Brighton Pensioner said...

I meant reflexive, as you very well know but i wanted you to know that I know as well.

(not necessarily your) Uncle Skip said...

Everyone needs a little chaos in their universe.
(says the man who locks his office/library/den when company arrives)

Brighton Pensioner said...

I had a feeling it might strike a chord with you!

Sarah said...

SD's desk is JUST like that BP and yet he needs order in every other part of his life too - maybe it's some kind of rebellion.