Yes, the one on the left is me, taken a few days before my third birthday, probably to send to my father who was at the time serving in the Far East in the Royal Navy. My mother had a thing about smocking (the stitching on my shirt) and although she couldn't do it, she knew somebody who could and every suitable garment had to receive the treatment. The one on the right is not me but a well-known entertainer. Can you guess who?
Then tomorrow morning I will be attending what promises to be an interesting meeting. Hove Rotary Club have organised an annual classic motorcycle run for the last thirteen years but have decided they can't do it any longer. They have asked Brighton Lions if we would like to take it over and tomorrow some of us will meet with a few Rotarians to see what is involved. I have to say I'm curious as to why they didn't offer the event to another Rotary Club - there are at least three others in the city - or run it as a joint venture with another Rotary Club. But perhaps they tried and nobody wanted to know. Maybe I will find out tomorrow.
The one on the right looks a little bit like a TV character from my childhood, Fireman Frank.
No, but I'll give you a clue. He's Australian.
Rolf Harris? Do I get a prize?
Rolf Harris it is. Award yourself a metaphorical coconut.
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