(If you are another one of those who have been affected by this glitch, which has apparently featured quite strongly on Blogger's own forum without a remedy being made available, you might like to read the solution suggested by Perpetua on her blog here.)
(Another little Blogger glitch is to insert a piece of code - http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif - at a random place in the blog whenever I post a link, thereby producing the little bull's head you can see further up. And why, I wonder, did the insertion of that code by me not produce a graphic?)
(Which reminds me of an infuriating habit of one of the most senior - indeed, the most senior - TV newsreader who, when warning of horrific pictures to come, would announce, 'The following report contains graphic images'. Aren't all images graphic?)
So, Blogger is obviously aware that my life was in danger of shrinking to a screen 12" x 9" and took steps to rescue me. After all, it is important to connect with the real world, to feel the dampness of rain, the coolness of wind, the warmth of the sun, to hear robins sing, to see the buds swell on the trees in spring. . .
I was getting carried away there. Sorry about that.
But there is more to life than reading the minutiae of the daily life of other people. Although, when all is said and done, all blogging is, is the modern, electronic equivalent of two housewives gossiping over the garden fence while hanging out the washing or two old boys putting the world to rights over a couple of pints and a game of dominoes in the village pub.
So what have you been up to today?
Hanging on to my temper! See today's blooming post.
So glad Perpetua's sorted us out...it really was driving me crackers and ruining my "cup of Earl Grey and catch up" time completely!
There are a couple of blogs on my Blogs I'm Following list I wish would fall off.
But Skip, can't you just stop following them?
I haven't noticed this problem. Reading blogs is my favorite pastime. I'd hate to think blogs weren't getting through to me.
Glad it's working for you Brighton Pensioner and SP. I'm sorry to say I don't have the fix for stopping following blogs. I tried to prune my list some time ago and the pruned ones keep reappearing. Grrr!!! I just have to ignore them.
I gather from Blogger's Help Forum today that Google are going to get rid of Google Friend Connect in favour of Google+ and do a new Followers widget just for Blogger. I'm not holding my breath.....
Well, most if not all of this was lost on me... except for the bit about two old guys fixing the world over a couple o' pints. I relate to THAT.
I shouldn't worry about it , Buck. I didn't understand it and I wrote it!
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