What really annoys most Brighton residents is that:
a) dole money is delivered to the camps by taxi;
b) most people are hesitant (or downright afraid) to walk past one of the camps because of the out-of-control dogs;
c) the men start going round the houses with 'a bit of left-over asphalt if you would like your drive resurfaced' or offering to fix that 'dodgy' slate and then 'finding' other work that needs doing immediately. "Don't have the cash to pay my exhorbitant demand? Mever mind, I'll come to the cash point with you."
d) it costs a small fortune to clear the site of rubbish after they have finally been persuaded to move on.
And if this seems like a moan, IT IS!
This sounds like it has been a continuing, if intermittent, situation. Doesn't the Council have the capacity to anticipate it and thereby prevent the occurrence?
Part of the trouble is that I can think immediately of 15 sites that are used, and I've probably overlooked some. Granted, steps have been taken to make it almost impossible to get caravans into a few of those sites, but it just isn't possible to do that with all of them. It doesn't help that some of the Council officials are sympathetic to the travellers!
The site in the picture is one of those that couldn't be blocked off because vehicular access is needed for/by authorised users.
"...some of the Council officials are sympathetic to the travellers..."Obviously they've never been inconvenienced by the antics of the travellers.
It seems that the simple answer would be to declare them unauthorized users.
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