Sunday, 26 April 2015

Gunner Harris

French cemeteries are not exactly the most inspiring places to visit, but from time to time when in France I try to pop into the communal cemetery at Pouancé simply to pay my respects to Gunner Albert Harris.  He is, as far as I know, the only Englishman buried here and his headstone is a standard Commonwealth War Graves Commission stone.

I have tried to discover something about him but, apart from what is inscribed on the headstone, I have found out very little.  I know his Christian name was Albert and he came from Staffordshire.  He served in 30/46 Battery, 10 Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, but what he was doing in this part of France in 1939 I have failed to discover.

Aged only 24 at his death, he left a widow, Sarah Harris, living in Portobello, Staffordshire.

It would seem that somebody visits the grave on a fairly regular basis, presumably a family member.

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