Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Keep calm and carry on...

I am pleased to say that I have - I hope - kicked the one and only addiction that I have had in my life.  In saying that I am not bragging, simply stating a fact.  I stopped smoking back in 2011 and I have to say I found it almost too easy.  That wasn't my first attempt to wean myself away from the weed in the 50+ years since I had first become addicted.  Other attempts had failed after various lengths of time and for a variety of reasons.  This time, though, I had a much greater incentive: I had been introduced to my Macmillan nurse after an x-ray revealed a shadow on my lung so it really was a no-brainer.

Now I read that in research undertaken by some heart disease related charity that giving up chocolate is harder than giving up smoking!  But why, I ask, would we want to give up chocolate?  Other research has shown that chocolate - specifically, dark chocolate - is good for us and wards off heart attacks!

Apart from the small matter of one lot of research "proving" one thing and another lot of research "proving" the opposite, I have to wonder why a charity is spending money on this sort of research.

Oh well...


The Broad said...

I expect it has more to do with the sugar and fat content than the fact that it is chocolate. I prefer dark chocolate, which is thankfully quite good for you! When I am in France one of the discount food stores has dark chocolate with almonds -- my absolute favourite!!

#1Nana said...

I, too, gave up cigarettes years ago, but remain addicted to chocolate.