Tuesday 8 January 2013

Should I or shouldn't I?

I have been thinking about the possibility of taking on a new challenge.  So many people I know or whose blogs I read seem to have done it that I am feeling quite left out.  It's almost as though they are living their lives to the utmost while I am just coasting along; they are testing themselves against the heaving waves while I stay paddling in the shallows.  I suppose it all started with my daughter.  She is the only one in my immediate family - in which I do not include my cousins - to have attended university and gained a degree.  What is more, she extended her studies and last year gained her MA degree.  Someone else has just completed a French course, someone has very nearly finished writing a book and yet another person has started an online course in digital photography.  So I got to thinking, what should I do?

My first thought was that I could study for a degree.  But a degree in what?  My best subject at school - and consequently my favourite - was geography, but I somehow don't see me getting a degree in it.  But I do like reading, and I sometimes try to kid myself that I can write, so how about English?  Not knowing quite what would be involved, I looked up the Open University's web site in the hope of finding out.  I had not actually reached the details before I spotted a link to "prices".  Ah, yes, prices.  I had forgotten all about having to pay.  I clicked on the link - and very quickly decided against studying for a degree.

My next thought was photography.  Yes, I could do an online course.  Then I recalled an earlier occasion when I signed up for a correspondence course in photography.  My tutor was so dismissive of my efforts and so patronising that I quickly became disenchanted and never did finish the course.  Perhaps the same thing would happen.  In any case, I work on the monkeys, typewriters and Shakespeare principle: if I take enough pictures, by the law of averages I should get a reasonable one every now and then.  But I think I'm better than that anyway and I'm happy enough as I am.

Then I remembered: I have already taken up a new challenge.  I will be attending my lookerer's course this coming Saturday, after which I should be qualfied to act as a part-time shepherd.  Besides, I just don't have the time for anything more.  I'll just stay in the shallows and paddle; it's far less stressful - and who needs stress at my age?


These folks seem to have the right idea.  They were watching a game of boules in the small town of Ardes, France.

Ardes (5) by Brighton Pensioner


Buck said...

My tutor was so dismissive of my efforts and so patronising that I quickly became disenchanted and never did finish the course.

I think your tutor wouldn't know his (rude anatomy reference) from his elbow. I've seen a small bit of your work and you're quite good at what you do.

Brighton Pensioner said...

Thank you, Buck. But do you by any chance have Irish blood in your veins? You seem pretty full of the old blarney! ;)

Buck said...

In re: Irish. Only my college football allegiance. My genes are almost exclusively English, from what little I know.