Then I'll begin.

Henry Horse was bored. He had played with all his toys, and now he was looking out of the window trying to think what he could do next.

Henry saw his friend Percy coming along the lane. Percy looked excited.

‘Hello, Henry,' called Percy. ‘Look what I've been given.' It was a football.

Henry and Percy went out to play football, but horses' hooves are not really the right shape for playing football.

It was Percy's ball, so he had first kick. The ball just went sideways!

Then Henry had a try. The ball went sideways the other way!

Percy had another go - and missed the ball.

Henry decided to take a run up to the ball. He ran at top speed...

...and kicked the ball hard. It went sailing through the air...

...and landed in the middle of some very prickly bushes. Henry did yelp as he got the ball back.

When Percy had his next turn he kicked the ball hard as well – right into the middle of some-one's picnic.

Henry decided to take another run up to the ball. WHAM! Up it went, up, up, and away...

...over the picnic, over the bushes...

...and right into the middle of a very muddy pond.

Henry waded in to fetch the ball, but when he came out he was so muddy that he had changed colour.

When Henry got home, his father had to wash him down with a hose before Henry could go indoors for tea.
Good story.
I didn't know horses had tea.
verification word = exualli
Hay sandwiches for tea. Breakfast is oatmeal.
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