What's my problem this time, you ask, groaning?
I came across a picture of the carnival queen at Brighton Lions' very first carnival in 1964. Unfortunately, it was printed on fairly flimsy paper and stuck on the front page of a copy of Jungle Jottings which had then been folded in four. I scanned the picture into the computer, and then spent hours, literally hours, with Photoshop Elements removing the fold marks (and other blemishes), but when I came to insert the picture in a word-processed document, it just resembled a page of black and white dots! I had hoped to include the picture in Diamond Geezers but that won't now happen.
While I had the Photoshop program open, I played around a bit with a picture I took the other day. I was trying for a moody picture of the low cloud in the woods:
Then I found that Photoshop could remove the cloud and show the true colours, albeit almost like an impressionist painting.

But I'm still frustrated.
1 comment:
I know what you mean. Sometimes there's just one more step, but the editing software won't tell what it is and the accompanying user guide is too vague.
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