Sunday 1 May 2016

Darling buds of May

So here it is again - May Day.  And the Weather Gods seem to have entered into the spirit of the occasion giving us a beautiful day weather-wise.  Granted, there is quite a breeze up on the Downs, but that is nothing unusual.  I think the weather must have gone to my head as I have spring cleaned what we call the conservatory.  In reality it is not much more than a lean-to at the back of the house providing an entrance (and exit) for the dog and a place to keep wet-weather gear, wellingtons, dog leads and all that type of paraphernalia.  And the freezer and tumble dryer as well.  It really was in desperate need of cleaning but the weather has to be just right to undertake the task - and today it was.  So, for the first time in months, I cleared the cobwebs, swept up the dead and dried leaves, the dog hair and the mud and then washed the floor.

Not content with that, I took the dog for a walk round the Roman Camp.  Since my nasty bout a couple of weeks ago I have not really been 100% and so the walks have been somewhat less energetic that I would consider normal - driving to the park in the morning instead of walking 10 minutes each way and cutting the afternoon walk, quite drastically some days.

What a delight it was to see bluebells, primroses, cowslips, violets and other flowers - and to catch a snatch of a skylark's song.  But of the darling buds of may there was no sign yet.

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