Tuesday 5 January 2016

Rain, rain, go to...

Spain, California - anywhere but here!

Walking the dog has become a bit of a nightmare.  The paths in the woods are inches deep in squelchy mud, making any slope with more than a very gentle gradient a dangerous descent.  Meanwhile, the grass in the parks and fields has been trodden away - and the soil oozes water where there are not puddles lying on the surface.  And this is at the tops of hills where the underlying rock is permeable chalk!

And now:

The one consolation - well, there are more consolations than one but this is the main one -is that this part of the country has, so far, avoided the floods that folks in Cumbria, Lancashire, Yorkshire and Scotland have had to endure.


(not necessarily your) Uncle Skip said...

It's here, thank you.
Arrived about noon yesterday and is expected to remain through Friday

Brighton Pensioner said...

So glad to hear you're getting some at last! Here it's reduced to "showers, heavy at times". Very heavy.

Bea said...

Yes, send all of your excess rain to California. :) And may you not experience the severe flooding of the northern regions!

Brighton Pensioner said...

Oh Bea, if only! Thanks for dropping by.