I agreed, somewhat reluctantly, to act as minute secretary for Brighton Lions Club for the 2010/11 year and consoled (or comforted) myself with the thought that this would be only for one year. Step back a pace and I will tell you that one of the little things I have been doing for the club for some years now is to produce the annual directory. Imagine, then, my surprise, horror, whatever when the President elect gave me a list of the names of people who would be doing the various jobs this year and I saw that I was down once again as minute secretary. And he had not even had the decency or courtesy to ask me if I would do the job! This despite the fact that a few months ago I produced a short paper for incoming presidents suggesting how they should approach the job. I definitely mentioned the need to ask people to take on jobs and not to assume that folk would continue from year to year. I also suggested that at the end of his/her year, the President should drop a note of thanks to the Lions who had undertaken jobs such as committee chairmen during his year. I wonder?
So I must get down to writing the minutes of Wednesday's meeting. I do like to get minutes written as soon as possible after a meeting and I'm a little surprised that I didn't get down to them yesterday. There was one meeting - not Lions - where I had the minutes written before the meeting was held! I just had to make a few minor alterations afterwards.

I see that Blogger started keeping stats back in May 2009 (although according to them this blog had no visits at all during May and June that year). Since then, the most read post of mine has been the one entitled "St David's Day" which I posted on 1 March last year. That posting has attracted nine times as many views as the next most popular! The reason for this becomes apparent when looking at the search words used to find this blog. "Daffodil image" and variations is the most common phrase. Even so, that doesn't account for more than a fraction of the views so I must assume that others are using the link in the side bar under "Most popular posts".
Just in case anybody might wonder, the next most popular post is about English being the richest language in the world.
And so back to the minutes - and the October issue of Jungle Jottings.
"Pifflesquit" brings the most folks to WHTPFIHC.
There are those who might say "pifflesquit" is a pretty good description of the StD's Day post.
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