...why we write these blogs. Do we really imagine that there are thousands of people out there hanging on our every word? Is it that we are all frustrated wannabe authors who either can't actually write a book or, having written one, are unable to find a publisher interested in taking it?

...if every Lion who writes a blog placed a Lions' logo in the sidebar with a link to the Oak Brook site, would that make much difference to the profile of the organisation to which I am so pleased to belong? (As an aside, yes, I know that it's not me but the club to which I belong that is part of the International Association of Lions Clubs.) In this country, Lions are often called the best-kept secret since World War II or suchlike. We could certainly do with having our profile raised.

...why it is that some days it can take an hour or more for me to boot up the computer when on others the dratted thing fires up instantaneously (well, almost). Then I get a message saying that something or other in my browser has stopped working. It's just so damned frustrating!

...if every sentence that starts "I wonder" should end with a question mark?
Do you want all of the thousands of us to answer? Or, should we pick one persons?
That rather depends.
"Do we really imagine that there are thousands of people out there hanging on our every word?"
You mean... there AREN'T? I'm going to go hang myself.
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