Friday 5 June 2009

Sports report

I am not, and never have been, a sporting person. I did play rugby, football and cricket at school - badly, in each case - and did a little boxing. I suppose athletics could be considered my strongest suite, but only the sprints and I wasn't good at that. I later took up badminton and enjoyed the game even though I was never much good. Then about 40 years ago I found the one 'sport' at which I became reasonably proficient: rock climbing. I was once in a winning darts team. We won the bank's inter-branch tournament, much to our astonishment.

All this is just a preamble leading up to an exclamation of surprise that I actually knocked down eight of the nine skittles on my first turn at the inter-club skittles tournament the other evening. In the second round I returned to my usual form with a score of five. Brighton ended up in third place out of six teams, a result that we considered highly satisfactory.

It was a pleasant evening with 50+ Lions, Lionesses and 'other halves' at a country pub with a good buffet included.

More Lions matters tonight, and tomorrow (book fair - preparation tonight) followed by our club's charter night tomorrow evening: dinner jackets and posh frocks, although the frocks these days are not quite as posh as they were twenty or so years ago. I had printed off the menu/place cards in good time, only to be told this morning that one of the guests is Janet and not Jeanette. I just hope all the others are correct!

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