Thursday 15 January 2009

And so goes another day, or Isn't it fun being a Lion?

They say the devil finds work for empty hands, so I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised to find that something cropped up on the one day this week when I had nothing in the diary. That doesn't mean I had nothing to do: far from it. I had planned a visit to the bank, then on to Asda for a little light shopping, and then a car wash. On top of that, the details of the 1911 census have now been made public, two years earlier than expected (and the reason for that is another story, but we won't go there), so I was hoping to get down to further investigations into the mystery of Sheila's grandparents (and that, too, is another story we won't be going into). So of course the phone rang, and there was another Housing Society panic. Bill (the chairman) was unobtainable, being out shooting, so it was down to me to sort it. The details of the panic are too personal to be mentioned here, but suffice it to say that they involved addiction to a prescription drug, illegal entry into a tenant's flat in the early hours of the morning, etc. I have sorted it in a temporary way, but it can land on Bill's plate when he is back in contact tomorrow. Meanwhile, most of what I had planned for today will just have to wait.

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