Friday, 14 December 2012

Plain speaking

Today is Plain English Day and the Plain English Campaign.  That is the day on which they "present awards for the best and worst examples of English. The main awards recognise organisations and individuals who have genuinely made an effort to present themselves using clear and concise English. The infamous 'Golden Bull' and 'Foot in Mouth' awards inject a sense of mischief into the proceedings."

So, some examples of the Golden Bull winners.  First, the Cheshire, Warrington and Wirral NHS Commissioning Support Service.
"A unique factor of the NHS Cheshire Warrington and Wirral Commissioning support organisation is its systematised methodology for project and programme management of small, medium, large service re-design and implementation…Building in equality and risk impact assessments the options are taken through a process to arrive at the content for an output based specification and benefits foreseen as a result of the implementation. The service is inclusive of full engagement with Clinical Commissioning Groups who direct at decision-making points how they wish the proposal to be deployed (re-commmisson, de-commission or changes to current services/providers), and lastly an implementation team who see the service redesign through to evaluation and benefits realisation."
Next, another part of the NHS, NHS Norfolk and Waverney.
"The concern regarding the lower base fees in 2010 cannot supported by the evidence gained from national research or the use of evidence and experience of a national review of costs undertaken by OLM.
The PCT is obliged, via the NHS Operating Framework 2012/13, to apply a negative financial uplift to the out-turn value of all our supplier contracts in the sum of -1.8%. This is to reflect the pressures on the health care system as a result of the national economic situation and the normal efficiencies that suppliers are expected to deliver.
The contract outlines the new fee structure. All care homes fees need to be adjusted, deducting -1.8% and then adding 1.25% as an advanced payment for CQUINs. A further 1.25% can be achieved at the end of each quarter if CQUINs are met; this further payment will be made by NHS Norfolk & Waveney."
Enough already: my mind is going round in circles - as was Mitt Romney, the winner of the Foot in Mouth award with this delightful proclamation:
"I believe in an America where millions of Americans believe in an America that's the America millions of Americans believe in. That's the America I love."
Don't you just love it?


The answer to the question I posed yesterday: 468.  A partridge on day one, a partridge and two turtle doves on day two, and so on.


There are the remains of a number of disc barrows - ancient burial mounds - in the Roman Camp.  This one enjoys a sea view!


  1. Oh, Lord, as a voice-over guy (reader, announcer) I'm called upon to read such godbbledegook on a regular basis. The whole trick to being a success in my business is to be able to read aloud something which makes no sense at all but with my being able to make it sound like I know what I'm talking about :-)

  2. Don't you just love it?

    Ummm, no. No, I DON'T. ;-)
