Sunday, 12 August 2012

Nearly there

I wonder if anyone missed me yesterday.  Probably not.  I woke feeling very woozy having taken a couple of painkillers during the night.  Consequently, I spent pretty much all of the morning simply dozing in the armchair.  Even after lunch there was no way I could climb to my office in the loft.  I'm not there now, either, as my younger son dropped in with the delightful granddaughter and he has fetched the laptop from the office.

So, tonight sees the closing ceremony.  (The Olympic Games, for those living on a different planet.)  I can't say I am sorry as I am beginning to get bored with the whole amazing, fantastic, brilliant, incredible, fabulous, etc, etc, etc shebang.  Yes, there have been some great moments, and not just when Team GB won another gold!  I was so pleased to watch Mo Farrar win his second gold last night in the 5,000 metres.

Meanwhile, though, life goes on for us ordinary mortals just as it always does.  As the Bard put it, "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day until the last syllable of recorded time".  Yeah, well.  Anyway, the farmer has started harvesting the field of barley across the valley.


  1. I missed ya, too. But I figured you were taking the day off... we all do that from time to time.

    Get well.

  2. Bored with the Olympics! I'm not a big sports fan but I've really enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to watching the closing ceremonies. They're on tape delay so we won't see it until prime time tonight.
