Wednesday, 11 April 2012

So that was Easter

After a week of super weather in France - sunbathing in the courtyard - we got home and spent one day in Brighton before heading off again last Thursday to spend Easter at the farm as we have done every year but one for the past 30 years!  I was pleased to meet up with a cousin for a pub lunch on the way to Somerset, a cousin who was 'lost' to the family until just a couple of years ago.  Which reminds me: I promised to send her a couple of pictures of her grandfather.  Her mother (my father's sister) cut herself off from the family in 1952 and my cousin knew nothing about her mother's side of her family until after her mother's death.

It was also good to catch up with my cousin on the farm and to meet her son's latest addition to the family, a young girl born last May.

Now I need to go on a diet.  I think my waist has grown by an inch or more.

I know we need the rain we have been having the past few days, but it really is inconvenient!  I need to cut the grass - and walking the dog in the pouring rain is not my idea of fun!


  1. It's just about the same here and we need it, too

  2. What, miss out on that wonderful wet dog smell? You'd give that up for a bit of sunshine?

  3. It's not so much the wet dog smell I object to as the feeling of the rain running off my waterproof onto my trousers and into my wellies!
