Thursday, 22 March 2012

Have you noticed...

...Blogger seems to have removed that little pen graphic at the bottom of your posts? The one you could click on to edit the post? OK, it is still possible to edit posts but I do miss that little shortcut. And I can't be bothered to go the long way round to change "avery" to "every" in that last post.


  1. I checked.
    The little pencil is still available to me.

  2. What can I have done to upset Blogger? (Or what setting have I changed without realising it.)

  3. Blogger, in many ways, has become more of a pain in the arse than ever before. Oh, well, it's still free, so there's that. Can't complain too much when it's no charge!

  4. Sometimes Blogger my think you're not logged in to your Google account, or top Blogger itself. That's when the pen icon goes away. Like Skip, I still have it... but I lose it if I'm logged out.

  5. It has to do with the fact that your blogspot addressed will have changed from .com to If you visit Perpetually in Transit she has a recent post that explains the fix she found.
