Interesting that a few words about food - in particular, mention of specific dishes - drew a few comments from the woodwork. This links in with a reference Skip made to a forum on which he and I 'met' electronically way back when. That was in the days before all these social networking sites. This particular forum was intended for discussions of matters concerning Lions Clubs but it quickly degenerated into covering this, that and the other. The threads that gathered the most posts always seemed to be about food.

If it hadn't been for that forum, this would never have happened in Maryland in 2002:

Followed by this in Detroit in 2004:

And this in San Francisco in 2006:
This Interthingy truly is wonderful, but it needed the finishing touch of the Lions Clubs to bring it all about.
I approve of your blog's new look. A bit more spacious and cheerful, not that the old one was a downer or anything....
Thank you, Stephen.
I like the new look, as well.
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