Sunday, 14 September 2008

Is that really me?

I am consternated, truly horrified. I have been glancing through the posts I have made on this blog and am appalled that anybody who knows me only through those will see me as a moaning, whining, miserable old git. But is that the ‘real' me, or is it just the ‘virtual' or ‘cyber space' me? I suppose it is just possible that I really am a moaning, whining, miserable old git.

Maybe blogging is the answer to that prayer of Walter Scott, or Rabbie Burns, or someone else who wore a skirt: Oh wad some gift the giftie gie us, tae see oorsells as ithers see us. (Sorry, my Scottish accent is none too good.) A conventional diary is - usually - read only by the diarist during his lifetime, but blogging is like writing a diary that is open to the public to read at any time. It behoves us bloggers (yes, I know! WE bloggers.) to put on our best faces. Unless, that is, we just don't give a damn.

Well, I do. So there will be no more negative postings, only positive thoughts from now on. For the next five days, anyway.

It takes but one positive thought when given a chance to survive and thrive to overpower an entire army of negative thoughts. (Robert H Schuller)

Of course, it will all be much easier if the sun continues to shine. Today is the third consecutive day when it has - and the forecast for tomorrow is pretty good as well. Very warm working in the garden this morning. The flowers are in a muddle: a pink one (can't remember its name, but it starts with N) which should flower in November is already in bloom. But so is a violet, which should have finished in May!


  1. "I suppose it is just possible that I really am a moaning, whining, miserable old git."

    I don't think so Slim.
    It isn't about the thought. It's about the attitude. I've been told by 'experts' that "we're not responsible for out first thought, only what we do with it."

  2. You've missed your vocation - the diplomatic service could have used you! Thank you for restoring my confidence.
