Thursday, 29 August 2013


TW3 is an abbreviation of an almost forgotten satirical television programme, That Was The Week That Was.  Not that I have any intention of discussing broadcasting in any form in today's rambling.  No, by writing "TW3" I am referring to the week I have recently spent in la belle France.  (I have to put "la belle France" just in case any real francophile reads this and takes offence if I don't.  If you get my drift.)

On the whole, the weather was great.  Almost too great, in fact.  Daytime temperatures frequently hit 30 or 31 degrees, which I think equates to about 88 or 90 in old money.  That is actually a bit too hot for the OB and me; our blood is used to cooler climes.  Quite how you folk living where temperatures regularly top 100 is beyond me.  We did sit in the courtyard in the sun, but only for short periods before retreating to the cool of the cottage.  Having been built back in about 1840, this has walls some two feet thick which keep the place cool in the heat of summer but which also means that the place is very cosy and warm in the winter.

We did very little except read, eat and drink - although I spent almost three days pruning the wisteria.  This had almost strangled the lilac tree and had to be cut back most severely.  I did venture just once into the wicked city of Chateaubriant to buy something or other.  It was then that I drove along a road in the town which I travel rarely and came across a new roundabout in the Place des Allies.  At one side of the road was a sort of memorial, complete with tricolor, the European flag (of course) as well as the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes.


Buck said...

Ummm... one assumes the Place des Allies must be some sort of war memorial to the last European unpleasantness. If so, just WHAT is the justification for the EU flag? Isn't Germany... hardly an ally during that time... a prime mover in the EU? I don't get it.

Brighton Pensioner said...

Buck, I think there is a requirement - in France, anyway, that if the national flag is flown, the EU flag ust have equal prominence. Thank goodness that doesn't apply this side of the Channel!

Buck said...

Thanks for the answer... that makes sense in an oddly French sort of way.